Amusement Park Pendulum

Amusement Park Pendulum
Amusement Park Pendulum
Amusement Park Pendulum
Amusement Park Pendulum
Amusement Park Pendulum
Amusement Park Pendulum
Amusement Park Pendulum

Amusement Park Pendulum

What are the features of Amusement Park Pendulum?

Amusement frisbee ride, also be called pendulum ride. Mainly has frisbee ride and giant frisbee ride. It is a new amusement project that popular internationally at present. Frisbee ride is suitable for children, and popular among them with beautiful surface and interesting gameplay. Giant frisbee ride is welcome by adult, one of the most scary theme park rides. Driving with great momentum and scientific structure. Customers could feel dazzled and frightened when they ride in it!